We are Cadence Music and we believe that music education is for everyone.

We provide opportunities for individuals of all backgrounds, ages, and ability levels to unlock their future in the world of music through education, inspiration, and exploration.

Music Scholarship Student

Paul O. - Music Lesson Scholarship Recipient

Choir being a safe space in my life has made me less judgmental about myself. I realized seeing other people and talking to them and hearing their experiences opened my eyes a bit… and I didn’t judge myself more for having a bad day, because it’s kind of something everybody goes through.

Thank you to our 2024 Symphony Level Sponsors!

Corbrook Enterprises, Inc.

Brooke & Matthew Schrager

Lessons By Brooke & Company

Thank you to our 2024 Concerto Level Sponsors!

G. Corp Development

Hali & Todd Perlman

The Rakers Family

Thank you to our 2024 Prelude Level Sponsors!

Swissotel Chicago

Holistic Nutrition by Candice Howarth

Beth & Gary Perlman